Introducing Speciwoman

Physical Statistics




155 lbs.





About Speciwoman

When we first contacted Brazilian IFBB competitor Goddess Amanda M. to shoot for us, she asked if we’d also like to feature her friend, also an IFBB competitor, on ScissorVixens as well.

Without even seeing pictures, we were certain any female friend of Goddess Amanda M. was probably going to be more than qualified to CRUSH SKULLS in front of our cameras.

And sure enough, Goddess Amanda M. sent us a link to her friend’s profile page and after seeing her current photos…we couldn’t wait to get her and Goddess Amanda M. together for some serious SAVAGE SCISSOR time!

We also took note of the name she was going by which is Speciwoman.

And that was one of the first questions we asked her…”So, how did you earn the name Speciwoman?”.

She told us an former boyfriend gave it to her and we then asked…”Did you earn it from beating him up!?”.

Her reply…”Absolutely!”.

That may explain why the poor guy is now her former boyfriend!

Check out Speciwoman CRUSHING it here on!

Speciwoman's Videos

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