Introducing Raquel Summer

Physical Statistics
135 lbs.
About Raquel Summer
You know what they say about expert pole dancers, right?
You don’t?
Then put your head in the thighs of someone like ScissorVixen Raquel, and you WILL know, in a hurry, and that is they are some of the most deadly squeezers in the world!
Raquel, blonde, leggy, beautiful and mischievous, is a true ScissorVixen, able to wrest submissions from screaming victims with a single, pulsating crunch, and she took us by surprise in how strong she was.
In her first video, Kandor was victim and in shooting stills, he was thinking, “This will be OK, she’s not squeezing THAT hard,” but then when the video camera rolled, she tore loose going all out, all the time.
In fact, Raquel has but two scissoring speeds: All out, and all out and THEN some!
Raquel rocks, and watching just one clip of her in brutal scissor action, you’ll see why!