Introducing Jezze 'The Choker'

Physical Statistics




120 lbs.





About Jezze 'The Choker'

The first thing you may notice about our newest member of the ScissorVixen family is her colorful appearance, fire-red hair and beautiful face.  But there’s a few things you might want to know about Jezze ‘The Choker’ and how she earned her much deserved name! 

I actually met Jezze at a friend’s house in Philadelphia and was packing up that morning to drive back to Boston when Jezze showed up at his place.  When I asked him who the pretty girl was that just walked in he told me her name was Jezze and she was actually there for a morning domination session with one of her clients. 

Wow…that really got my attention knowing that this girl was into dominating men so I decided to give her a closer look. She was wearing a skimpy bikini and high heels and of course…the first thing that jumped out at me was her very shapely and strong looking legs. 

So I obviously had to ask her if she’d be interested in doing a couple of scissor videos and without any hesitation…she said…”Hell yeah!  When do you want to do them!?”. 

She was VERY enthusiastic about the idea of showing off her powerful legs for the camera!  Of course my friend (who has been in a few ScissorVixens videos and is in this first one with Jezze) had to warn me that he actually tested her scissors out a few nights before and she absolutely destroyed him with her legs! And so…that’s the short story (well…as short as I can make it) of how we discovered Jezze ‘The Choker’. 

But now you are probably wondering (as I did) how she earned that name…’The Choker’…?  So when I asked her she told me how she used to be a member of a punk-rock band and they used to play at a lot of rough underground venues.  So one night when things got a little out of hand and a bunch of fights broke out one of her band members was being attacked.  She said the only way she knew how to help out was to jump on one of the guy’s backs, wrap her arms around his neck in a choke hold and choke him out which she did!  She said afterwards she learned that the big guy she choked out was actually a bouncer trying to break up the fights and ever since that day…the poor guy’s friends never let him forget how he got choked out by cute, little Jezze.

But wait…there’s more interesting things to know about Jezze!  During our shoot she decided to tell me about one of her favorite movie characters of all time…Pris from Blade Runner played by the tall, leggy Daryl Hannah!  She loved her character and made special note of the scene we as scissor lovers all know very well! That scene of course was when Pris did a few flips in the air, landing on Harrison Ford’s neck and catches him in a flying head scissors nearly twisting his neck off!  Somehow I could actually see Jezze doing that very thing herself and she does pull off something similar (minus the flips) in this video.

Also…Jezze is a HUGE wrestling fan…mainly underground/independent pro-wrestling events.  Well…after a long day of shooting you’d think she’d be tired of all that non-stop 100% scissoring…right!?  Noooo…not Jezze ‘The Choker’!  She just had to demonstrate one of her favorite wrestling holds she called ‘The Leg Drop’!  Now I’m sure you all see an obvious pattern forming here with Jezze don’t you…?  Seems like she enjoys anything where she can inflict pain with her thighs!  So…my friend was kind enough to allow her to demonstrate her ‘Leg Drop’ on the bed and luckily for him…she perfected it just like a pro and he walked away without any broken ribs.

And lastly…how did Jezze ‘The Choker’ develop her powerful thighs…?  As she explains…”Ten plus years of soccer, track and field and oh yeah…pole dancing!”.

So…without question…Jezze ‘The Choker’ is one of those girls qualified in every way possible to be one of our best ScissorVixens because she brings it all together in one very cute but very potent package!

So yes folks…Jezze ‘The Choker’ IS available for sessions so contact her below!

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