'I'm Here To Collect!’


Buff Barbie

In Full High Definition and 3D

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There are 107 screen captures in the gallery.

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Video Description

Gorgeous 6ft. tall (barefoot) blonde Amazon, Buff Barbie, makes her scissoring debut on ScissorVixens and she is everything you’d expect from a ScissorVixen her size and more!

She told us that a session customer recommended her to contact ScissorVixens and was surprised when we contacted her later that day before she reached out to us!

She considered that a sign from the ‘scissor gods’ and responded immediately to our offer and said she could not wait to come to Vegas to CRUSH IT!

And CRUSH IT she did!

Buff Barbie has aspirations of becoming the next WWE female superstar and with her size, power and attitude…no doubt she has what it takes!

She also had a ton of questions about sessions, the fetish industry and what to expect as a new girl on the scene and we were more than happy to share what we knew from our 20-plus years in the business!

It was apparent from her questions that she is ready to make some waves in the session and scissor scene and that she does in her debut video!

When you tower over most men and can physically overpower them in every way…what else would you expect from Buff Barbie other than finding a lucrative career in hunting deadbeats down and beating them up before collecting what she came for!?

And that’s exactly what she does to a scrawny man less than half her size who owes money to her boss!

He’s working away on his computer when he hears a loud banging noise downstairs and is shocked to see a gorgeous blonde amazon walking up his stairs and asks…”How did you get in here!?”.

“Don’t worry about how I got in here because I’m here to collect!”.

He starts to back up into his loft as she slowly stalks him and then pushes him down onto his couch!

Then she strips down to a sexy thong and wraps her AMASONIAN QUADS around his neck and begins to SQUEEEEZE the living daylights out of him telling him…”We’re gonna have some fun today!”.

“How much PAIN do you think you can handle!?”,  she asks, knowing full well it will be far more than he can!

She pulls him into an EYE-POPPING front head scissors telling him she enjoys watching the fear in her victim’s eyes as she punishes them!

Then it’s on to one of her favorites…RIB CRUSHING bodyscissors while telling him…”I’ve broken guys in half doing this!”.

He cries out…”Please don’t break my ribs!” as she pulls him into a bodyscissor/headlock combination that leaves him breathless like a helpless animal being suffocated by a 6-foot anaconda!

She finishes him off in a BRUTAL reverse head scissors, while flexing her powerful glutes in his face, making him wonder if he’s going to survive!

After nearly squeezing all of the life out of him, she reaches into his front pocket to finally take what she came for…his money and credit cards!

She empties his wallet and tosses it on his limp body before slowly and dominantly walking away!

So…if you owe someone money and don’t want to pay up, you better hope they don’t send 6-foot tall Buff Barbie to collect!

Don’t miss GOGEOUS Amazon Buff Barbie in her debut ScissorVixens video titled…”I’m Here To Collect!”.

Full Description

Format: MP4

Video Length: 16 minutes

Total Bitrate: 10,000 kbps

Frame Size: Full-HD (1920×1080)

Video File Size: 1.2 GB

Format: MP4

Video Length: 15 minutes

Total Bitrate: 20,000 kbps

Frame Size: 3D (5760×2880)

Video File Size: 2.2 GB

The screen capture gallery is in a zip file.  Click the link below to view video instructions on how to open a zip file.

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