'I Took Care Of Him, Now It's Time To Take Care Of You!’


Goddess Scarlett

In Full High Definition and 3D

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Video Description

We’ve always said that you can NEVER judge a ScissorVixen by her ‘cover’!

Many of you (with little to no experience getting scissored) just assume the bigger the thighs, the meaner the squeeze.

With over 650 different ScissorVixens on our site, and counting, we have learned our lesson over and over again and with new ScissorVixen, Goddess Scarlett, is another prime example!

Scarlet came out wearing a sexy shiny purple thong leotard with high heels and based on my experience…I knew not to dismiss her NECK-WRECKING capabilities!

Long, lean ‘steel cable’ legs that tighten around your neck can fuck you up in seconds and that’s exactly what she does in her debut ScissorVixen video!

There was a whole lotta tapping going on and unfortunately….his screams were so loud, it often distorted the audio!

And it was a real struggle for him to get through this video!

Imagine having a little something going on, on the side, thinking your girl has no idea.

You have your favorite place to meet up with your mistress every week but be careful not to leave your phone unlocked, because if you do, your main squeeze may find out!

But instead of immediately confronting you about it…she decides to let you think she has no idea.

The only problem is, after reading your text messages between you and the mistress, she knows exactly where your gonna be that night.

You show up at the usual meeting place, excited to see your side-fling but what the hell is taking her so long to show up!?

Then you get an ominous text message…”She knows and she knows where you are!”.

You’d probably do exactly what our victim does in this video…get up and get out as quickly as possible!

But as soon as you try to make your way to the exit, out pops your girl, wearing the same sexy thong leotard you wanted your mistress to wear.

You’re bagged and now you are FUCKED!

“Is this what you expected her to wear!?”, she asks.

You nervously reply…”Uhhh, yes”.

“And this is what you’re into…scissorholds!?”.

Before you can say much more…the SCISSOR-BEATING begins!

“You thought you could play me like a fucking fool!?”

Watch as her NECK-WRECKING thighs go to work in BRUAL scissor action!

Front head scissors, reverse head scissors, head scissors from behind, and even breath-robbing bodyscissors…they all end the same way, frantic tap-outs!

On and on it goes, until Goddess Scarlet grows bored with kicking his ass and tells him to leave by crawling on his hands and knees!

She also lets him know she and her girlfriends will be hanging out in the room to party while he’s home cleaning the mess he made back home!

So what’s the lesson?

If you’re gonna cheat on your girl, might wanna make sure you keep your phone locked otherwise she’ll be locking her thighs around your neck!

Don’t miss Goddess Scarlett’s debut ScissorVixen video titled ‘I Took Care Of Her, Now I’m Gonna Take Care Of You!’.

Full Description

Format: MP4

Video Length: 15 minutes

Total Bitrate: 10,000 kbps

Frame Size: Full-HD (1920×1080)

Video File Size: 1.1 GB

Format: MP4

Video Length: 14 minutes

Total Bitrate: 20,000 kbps

Frame Size: 3D (3840×1080)

Video File Size: 2.1 GB

The screen capture gallery is in a zip file.  Click the link below to view video instructions on how to open a zip file.

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