'Buff Barbie's CRUSHERS!'


'Buff Barbie'

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Video Description

At 6 ft. tall barefoot and 175 lbs. of CRUSHING female muscle…Buff Barbie, and her thighs, takes no prisoners!

You know the drill!

No scenario, no storyline…just one SKULLCRUSHING scissor hold after the other and a whole lotta screaming, tapping and near-knockouts which she could have produced on several occasions during this SAVAGE SCISSORS massacre!

And for you pulsating scissor fans…oh, there’s plenty of that as Buff Barbie flexes her glutes in eye-popping reverse head scissors that has both of her victims seeing scissor stars in seconds!

But it’s not just our necks we had to worry about…those LOOONG muscular legs had no problem wrapping around our ribs and squeezing the living daylights out of us like a hungry anaconda devouring her helpless prey!

Wanna know what a scissor session might be like with the SEXY blonde Amazon known as Buff Barbie!?

Well…watch this video and you can decide for yourself if you think you’re man enough to survive her CRUHERS!

Format: MP4

Video Length: 16 minutes

Total Bitrate: 10,000 kbps

Frame Size: Full-HD (1920×1080)

Video File Size: 1.2 GB

The screen capture gallery is in a zip file.  Click the link below to view video instructions on how to open a zip file.

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