Introducing Annalee

Physical Statistics




135 lbs.





About Annalee

We recently shot with Duchess Dani a few weeks ago and as we think most, if not all, members would agree she looks fantastic! 

Well…Duchess Dani was kind enough to send another model our way by the name of Annalee during another photo shoot she attended in Las Vegas.

A few days after Duchess Dani showed us Annalee’s pictures I saw a gorgeous pink-haired girl with a very fit body working out at a local Las Vegas gym. 

I didn’t immediately know why she looked familiar but her bright, pink hair initially caught my attention than the rest of her very fit physique caught my eye after that. 

Finally the light-bulb went off and I realized who she was…Annalee the model Duchess Dani referred to us! 

Often when we get model referrals we take a gamble not knowing how the model will look when she shows up in person and if her pictures are accurate. 

But after seeing how good Annalee looked in person at the gym I wasted no time contacting her when I got home after working out!

As you will see in the pictures and video Annalee is as pretty as any model on our site.  Combined with her athletic, toned body she is more than qualified to be a KILLER ScissorVixen! 

When asked about any special abilities or athletic accomplishments she simply replied…”I love doing Crossfit training and I am pretty strong!”. 

And Drew would shortly find out just how STRONG Annalee and her powerful thighs are!

Annalee's Videos

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